What services do you offer and what makes you stand out from the competition?
Makersville is a grassroots community of makers who implement programs for boys and girls aged 7–21. We have a variety of maker interests and work with youth on our project or theirs. We seek to help your student find his or her passion.
What is the experience customers can expect?
Access to our tools and equipment (silk screening, soldering, computers, sewing machines, leathercraft tools, LEGO(R) bricks, more), our Makers (specialists in software, electronics engineering, sewing, LEGO creative and technical, fabric arts, graphic arts), and our space. AND lots of volunteers and assistants with projects of their own to share!
What was the inspiration to start or run this business?
I attended the Bay Area Maker Faire in 2011. I knew I wanted to do something that involved a maker community. Makersville is that something.
What relationship does Makersville have with the Long Beach Area Council of the BSA?
The Long Beach BSA is a collaborating non profit with our group of Makers. We organize under three charters with the BSA. We host an elementary level group, a middle school club and soon… a high school group! The Middle school club and elementary level group are known as Club Ten, so named for its’ unit number, 1010 which when interpreted as binary converts to decimal 10. There’s a little geek in all of us.
What do you love most about your job?
I do what I want to do. Every day. I make things with youth, in Lego bricks, in fabric, on the Arduino. I’m learning something new every day.